Good Moring my lovelies! As promised here is the teaser for the next chapter! Let me know what you think!
The Emergence of Edward Cullen
“Edward Anthony Cullen, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” She was really pissed. I knew from history that it would be better to sit and take it than to try to defend myself.
“I was just dancing with Bella.” Playing dumb sometimes works on her if she’s had a little to drink.
“Don’t play dumb with me asshat.” Apparently this was not one of those times. “You’ve had a hard-on for Bella for like five years. Keep your teenage hormones away from her! She just went through a traumatic break-up, she doesn’t need you dry humping her on the dance floor!”
“Rose, she said my name in her sleep. No, said isn’t the right word. She purred it!”
“Okay lover boy, I’m going to say this one more time. I don’t give a shit if she screams your name during a self-induced orgasm; you are not to touch her. Now you’re going to go back in there and apologize for being a pervy creep. Even if she did enjoy it, which I know she did.” That’s my friend, quick to cut me down and then raise me up.
“Fine, I’ll apologize, but just so you know, I’m not going to mean it. And how do you expect me to spend all day driving with her without doing something stupid?”
She laughed at me. “Edward, of course you’re going to do something stupid. But for right now, leave her be. Alice and I already tried to set you two up and she flipped. She just needs to grieve for that doucher a little bit more. By the way, we are so paying him a visit when we get home.”
“God damn, I love you Rose. I was thinking the same thing. What exactly did she say when you and Alice mentioned us together?”
“Sometimes you are such a chick, Edward. It doesn’t matter. Go apologize, keep your hands to yourself and your dick in your pants.”