Rating/Warning(s)/Note(s) M, Dark themes, violence, attempted rape, vengeance, the Cullen boys are vamps
Prompt: EvilThis is the first time I have ever written anything dark. It was hard, not gonna lie but I hope I did it justice.
I’ve never feared walking through the woods at night. It was like second nature to me after all I practically grew up in them. In the summers we would play hide and go seek, camp out, and walk down to the river to cool off. In the fall we would pick acorns, leaves and pinecones. The winter was for gathering wood. Spring, the best season in my opinion, was when the earth bloomed again and the forest floor was covered in moss and flowers that only thrived in shaded damp areas.
We knew those woods like the backs of our hands. As I grew older it became the place to escape to when my parents fighting got to be too much, where I cried my heart out and screamed at the injustice of my grand-mothers death, where I swore off boys after I found out that Tyler Crowley liked that hag Jessica Stanley more than me. I found comfort amongst the trees, I knew the songs the birds would sing, I saw life begin and end for years here.
The forest began at my backyard and if I walked the well worn path it led to my best friends, Alice and Rosalie’s house. It was a mile and a half in between and as I’ve said, t was second nature to walk home from their house at night with no thoughts to safety. There was more of a chance of me getting hit by a car on the roads than anything happening to me here in my safe haven.
That brings me to tonight, walking home after hanging out with my girls for the night. We didn’t do anything special, this was Forks after all, so after some chick flicks and junk food, I began my trek home. I usually used this time to go over my day or decompress from any drama that may be in my life. Tonight’s time was going to be used to think about the birthday party that Alice and Rosalie were planning on throwing me next week. I was the last of us to turn 18 and made them promise not to through me a surprise party, if it was going to happen (and believe me it was), I wanted a say in it. Especially the guest list. It was easy to decide on most of it and we each got three vetoes. Our usual crew was obviously invited- Angela, Ben, Jacob, Leah, Mike, Sam, Emily, and Seth. Then there were the people that the three of us didn’t necessarily hang out with all the time but considered friends. I vetoed the hell out of Jessica, Lauren, and Tanya. I’d be damned if I let those skanks ruin my birthday. The only “outside” people we absolutely agreed on were the new boys. The Cullen brothers.
Last week was the beginning of the school year and everyone (ok, the girls of Forks) were delightfully surprised to find fresh blood, as Rose liked to say. I say surprised because usually nothing new happens here without every one knowing within 12 hours. Alice saw them first at the office. She was the unofficial welcoming wagon for the school. Rose and I were the second people to find out. Alice texted us as soon as they walked in.
Holy hotties ladies! Three yummy brothers!- xo Alice
“Ooooh, Fresh blood,” Rose said.
I laughed at her and sent Alice a text to get more info and maybe a pic. As I pressed send, Rose grabbed my arm and began to haul me in the direction of the office but by the time we made it there they were already gone. By lunch we still had not seen them and although Alice described them in detail we wanted visual confirmation. And then it happened, a hush came over the cafeteria and everyone was looking towards the doors. I’m pretty sure my heart stopped, or increased in speed. Three of the most beautiful boys stood there surveying the room. The biggest one had brown hair that was cut short but had a slight curl to it, was built like a wrestler and had the brightest smile and biggest dimples. I trusted him immediately. I heard Rose gasp and looked over at her noticing she was eyeing him up. The one next to him was his polar opposite, his hair was blond and shaggy and he was slim, he looked like a surfer. I notice his gaze went right to Alice. The last and certainly most delicious had copper hair that looked like he needed to run a comb through it and was long and lean. I’d peg him as a swimmer. His brow was furrowed and he had a look of disgust on his face. I knew from Alice that they all had the same golden colored eyes. She told us that the big one was Emmett (Rose licked her lips at that), the blonde was Jasper and lastly was Edward. He said something to his brothers and they both just shook their head at him and walked toward the lunch line.
All eyes were on them as they began to search for a table. There was more than one girl that tried to grab their attention but they ended up at a table in the back. I was surprised Alice didn’t try to get them to sit with us and said as much to her. She said she didn’t want us to be lumped in the same category as the other girls and that by giving them space we were being respectful. Rose laughed and said she was just scared. After lunch we went to our classes and as the day progressed I found I had some classes with the brothers. I even got to sit next to Edward in biology. I learned quickly that this boy had no manners. Not only did he not introduce himself but he outright ignored me when I attempted to introduce myself! I decided then and there I would put no more effort or thought into Edward Cullen. And I didn’t. Until bed that night when I couldn’t stop thinking about how he had treated me and the superior attitude he seemed to have. For the rest of the week we ignore each other but I could feel him staring at times and he was beginning to creep me out. He had to come to my party. Alice said she would take care of it since her and Rose were also planning their attack on the Cullen boys. And no one has ever said no to them.
As I’m walking in the woods I start to get the feeling like I’m not alone. The hairs on the back of my neck prickle and my skin breaks out in goose bumps. The temperature feels like it dropped but that can’t be possible, can it? And even odder, I don’t hear the familiar sounds. There were no squirrels scampering up trees, no birds singing their last songs of the night, not even the sound of the wind through the trees. For the first time in my life I’m uncomfortable in my forest. And that just pisses me off. But I pick up the pace anyway, I’m not stupid. Forks may have an unusually low crime rate but that didn’t mean that bad things didn’t still happen.
That’s when it happened; all of a sudden I was on the floor of the forest gasping for air. Someone, something had hit me from behind and I ended up on my stomach, I got to my hands and knees trying to clear my head. As I got my bearings the forest seemed to come alive. And it wasn’t the comforting sounds I was used to. The wind that used to whistle through the trees now seemed to howl, the fear set in, and I heard something coming towards me.
I couldn’t get up so I tried to crawl as fast as I could. My knees and hands felt every twig, and rock that I crawled over and I knew I would be bloodied and bruised if I stopped to look. I began to pray to a god I didn’t believe in to just let me make it back to my house. I heard a branch snap and stopped for a moment trying to listen to see how close it was to me. The tears had started streaming down my face the minute I hit the ground and hadn’t let up. I wiped my cheeks and finally was able to stand. Like the dumb sorority sister in the horror movie I looked back and my breath hitched. Standing a few feet from me was the scariest thing I had ever seen. An unkempt man with long stringy hair and dark menacing eyes was staring at me. I couldn’t find my voice, I began to shake and suddenly I could feel warmth spread down my legs.
He took a few steps towards me and I’m ashamed to say that my traitorous legs did not budge. I could smell him now. He smelled musty, like moth balls and I caught the faintest trace of urine. But that could have been me. His face and hands were filthy he started to speak to me but I couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. Its like I had left my body and I could no longer control it. However, I did understand the gun he had in his right hand. The one that was slowly being lifted to point at me. I noticed his long fingernails were encrusted with dirt and I finally came back in to my body. I know I pleaded, I know I begged. I promised to give him my wallet, my jewelry, anything as long as he let me go. He began to mock me then and any hope I had of getting out of this alive died.
I may live in a small town but I’ve watched the news and the crime dramas. I knew what was going to happen and I started to think that that may have been worse than what he was going to do to me. Now I was begging and pleading for him to just end it, end me. I am not a strong person and knew that even if by some miracle I came out of this alive, I would prefer to be dead.
He knocked me to the ground again, this time following me. He straddled my hips and began to try and rip my shirt from me. I fought every step of the way. Scratched, punched, spit, I even tried to bite anything that came near my mouth. I lost that first battle, he shredded my shirt and I was left in my bra and pants. He was pawing at my chest and I was trying to keep the bile from rising from my throat. I was beginning to hyperventilate which meant if I didn’t get it under control, I’d pass out. I was debating whether or not that was a good thing. He put his fingers on the button of my jeans and the panic fully registered. I thrashed about and that just upset him more. He backhanded me and I was disoriented for a moment. When I came to the button was undone and he was at the zipper. That’s when he noticed that my pants were wet. He started yelling at me, asking if I did that on purpose to try and turn him off. He paused for a moment and I took the opportunity and began screaming as loud as I could. He put his filthy hand over my mouth and I bite his hand as hard as I could. There was enough room between us now that I brought up my knee and aimed for his crotch. I hit it dead on and he fell to the side but still tangled in my leg. I looked to see of he had put the gun down but I noticed he still had it firmly in his grip.
He hit me across the face again, but this time with the gun. My head got heavy and my eyes rolled back into my head. He went to work on my zipper and had managed to get my jeans down to my knees. I was groggy and trying to talk but it was all gibberish. I felt a strong breeze come through and a growl. He was no longer on top of me, he was flying into a tree. He hit the ground with a loud crunch. I laid perfectly still catching my breath. I remember thinking to myself that I should still be afraid. I mean, anything that could do that to someone couldn’t be good. But I felt too grateful at that moment.
I heard voices near where he had fallen, arguing. My mind must have been playing tricks on me because I could’ve sworn two of those voices was Emmett and Japer Cullen. This would have meant that the third voice belonged to Edward. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath. When I opened them Emmett was kneeling beside me covering me in a warm coat.
“Bella honey? Can you hear me?”
I nodded. “Can you talk?”
I managed to say, “Yes”.
“Ok, can you move? Does it feel like anything may be broken?”
I managed to get up on my elbows and took silent stock of my body. Nothing felt out of order except for the massive headache. I knew my face had to be swelling since my left eye was becoming blurry. I said as much to Emmett and he confirmed my suspicions.
“Do you think you’d be ok if I carried you home or do you need and ambulance?” he said as he went to put his hands on my. I flinched and scurried backwards. His face fell a little when he realized I was scared.
“Its ok honey. I won’t hurt you.” He called his brothers over. “Jasper maybe you can help her?” Jasper looked over at me with concern in his eyes. He was staring at me and seemed to be concentrating very hard. He shook his head at Emmett. I noticed Edward was not looking at me at all but I felt peaceful when he got a little nearer. Emmett noticed this and told him to kneel down next to me.
When he did I felt safe. I felt secure. I looked up at him and he finally met my eyes. The disgust that I was so used to seeing was replaced with anger. His jaw was trembling and his hands were clenched into fists at his side. I implored him with my eyes to get closer, I was trying to tell him I trusted him. His eyes softened and he swore softly under his breath. They began speaking again but were doing so so rapidly I couldn’t keep up.
“Bella, I’m going to carry you back to your house. Is that ok?”, he had the smoothest voice I had ever heard. It was the first time I ever heard him say my name.
I nodded. “Is your father home?” I nodded again.
“Ok, this is what is going to happen. Em and Jazz will stay here and I’ll bring you to your father and tell him what happened. Jazz will call Alice and Rose and have them drive to your house to keep you company. Are you ok with that?”
“I’m going to lift you up now. Please tell me if I hurt you or if you feel uncomfortable.” I gave him a small smile. I couldn’t fathom that I would feel uncomfortable with him.
He lifted me easily and it felt so good to be in arms although he was a bit cold. I wasn’t even embarrassed that I was practically naked. I knew they had saved me but I don’t know how. There is no way three boys could send a man flying into a tree. It just wasn’t possible. I was about to ask him and he must have known.
“Sweetheart, I will tell you what you want to know just not right now.”
Sweetheart? I guess he thought I needed to be coddled. “Ok. But you’ll tell me everything?”
“Yes Bella. I have to now. I’m just glad we got there before that bastard was able to do anything else. I would have gladly killed him if Em and Jazz weren’t there. I still may arrange an accident.”
This confused me even more but I said nothing. He would tell me what was going on and I would believe him.
“Sometimes Bella, we are not the only monsters lurking about.”