Original or Derivative (fanfiction): Derivative
Rating/Warning(s)/Note(s): M, EPOV from Chapter 20
Disclaimer: All copyrights, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.
Prompt: Headstrong
I didn’t want to go to the courthouse. I didn’t want to hear the lecture from from my brothers for the millionth time. I didn’t want to see her in yet again another vulnerable position. But most of all, I didn’t want to want those things.
I’ve lived a long life and I can honestly say that nothing had ever scared me like that night in the woods. I went and made promises to her I had no business making. It just wasn’t me I would be putting in danger if I told her but my whole family. I really did want to give her the answers she was looking for. I felt an unexplainable pull towards this girl from the moment I saw her. She soon became all I could think about. My brothers and I were out hunting when I saw a flash of her in the madman’s mind. I took off with my brothers following close behind me. I am still astounded at the total trust they have in me that they followed without any explanation.
Thankfully we got there in time for him to do anything more heinous than he had already done. And as much as I wanted to dispose his body, Jasper made me see reason. Emmett was talking to her, trying to calm her but it wasn’t working. He tried to get Jasper to help him but it wasn’t working. Jasper and I came up with a plan and as I walked towards Emmett I noticed her visibly begin to relax. The only problem is Emmett also noticed. He insisted I take her home . After I talked to her and let her know what was going on I picked her up and that was it for me. The minute my hands touched her I was lost. The second I held her in my arms I was found.
It was that thought that was in my mind as I stood outside the county courthouse willing myself to not go in. So I walked up the steps and pulled open the heavy wooden door and I felt it. The hum of vibration that happened whenever Bella was around. I felt at peace immediately and could see her at the end of the long hallway pacing. I walked towards her now unable to stop the pull. She didn’t hear me approach so I cleared my throat as to not startle her. I had noticed she had been skittish this last month.
She turned around and hurled herself at me. I caught her in my arms. I held onto her tightly, silently asking for her forgiveness for being so distant. Having her in my arms again was heaven. She belonged there, close enough for me to always protect her. And love her. Yes, I loved Bella Swan. I was in love with a human. I had tried my hardest to stay away, even when my brothers began to date her two best friends, proving to me it could be done but I couldn’t chance hurting her.
My brothers didn’t understand why, as Jasper said, I “wouldn’t let myself be happy.” They didn’t see her eyes the night she was attacked. The fear in them was palpable. I promised myself I would always be around to watch over her and would never let anything hurt her again. Especially me. I didn’t trust myself to not hurt her. It wasn’t just physically that I was worried about hurting her but emotionally as well. I knew that if we were to be together I would never be able to keep anything from her. How does one tell the girl he’s in love with that he too is a monster? That although that vermin had hurt her with hate, I could hurt her with love? A hug, A kiss, a stroke of her cheek with just too much pressure could end her. I had tried to explain this to my brothers until Emmett had told me to stop being a “Nancy boy” and “get over” myself. I untangled myself from the embrace.
“The jury is still out,” she said. I could tell from her eyes how deflated she felt.
“Don’t worry, there’s no way they would set him free. Especially after what he did to you.”
I felt the venom pool in my mouth as I said this. If they did set him free he wouldn’t last long. This I knew.
“You can’t know that Edward.” I think that’s the first time she ever said my name and I would beg to hear her say it again.
“But I do know that Bella. I have faith in humanity,” and I was not human, “so should you.”
“So you’re talking to me?”
“No, I just figured you’d need a shoulder today.”
“Oh. Does that mean I only have today?”
I knew what she was asking. I just wasn’t sure what I would say.
“Bella, I know I said I would explain but I just don’t think it’s possible right now.”
I really am a jackass. That was the best I could come up with? I could see her frustration at me.
“You called me Sweetheart.” I call you love now.
“Emmett called you Honey.”
“You carried me.”
“You wouldn’t let either of my brothers.” Thank god.
“You called yourself a monster.”
“You…” Damn! She was on to me.
Luckily my brothers and Rose and Alice were coming towards us. Jasper smiled at her and squeezed her shoulder but Emmett had to pick her up in a bear hug. He said it was their “thing.” I think he did it just to piss me off. All I knew was that my brothers were getting a lot more physical with Bella than I was. And they weren’t hurting her.
I eyed my brothers and we walked down the hall a bit to talk privately. They were all ready to start yelling at me if the looks on their faces was any indication so I cut that off immediately.
“I can’t stay away from her any longer.”
Jasper smiled and Emmett punched me in the arm.
“It’s about time dumb ass.” Emmett was always so eloquent.
“I’ve explained my reasons enough. Just help me come up with a way to win Bella’s heart.”